The above Bench Development has proven that controllable functions for vibration motors is achievable. From there we are in tackling the challenge of reducing the form factor or mass of our first device.
Our first BLE Vibration Haptic Device is, well getting there. The getting part is to make the physical size smaller where we are bullish we can. The current physical constraint is the motor and batteries - our engineers and components partners are telling us that we cannot challenge the laws of physics for mechanicability. Well, we (design and marketing) say, hold on here, let's change the challenge to use alternative components to change the laws of physics... and we have.
We are incredibly excited that we have found components that can bend and twist, and yes, reduce the design mass by a magnitude that is a turn-on. This means we are testing those components to measure how they behave to battery draw, effectiveness of G -force, BLE and design mass relief. We are freaking excited!